Steve Cox New Mexico 0

New Mexico for Bernie Sanders

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28 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To : Democratic Party of New Mexico, Chairman Debra Haaland, Vice Chair Juan Sanchez

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the current state of our
Democracy. We believe that Democracy is not a spectator sport and
requires an active citizenry. We believe that Democracy is best when
the people are most involved. We believe that selecting candidates to
represent us is one of the core functions of the people.

We cannot in good faith support Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton and issue a no confidence for the following reasons:

Hillary Clinton’s close ties to Wall Street bankers, her work on Trade agreements that will have negative impacts on the working people, her position on Genetically Modified Organisms and her ties to Monsanto. While over 26 Countries in the world have banned Monsanto agricultural products and a growing concern in the medical research community over the highly toxic glyphosate, a systemic organophosphate herbicide, she has further embraced Monsanto philosophies by appointing long-time Monsanto lobbyist Jerry Crawford as adviser to her “Ready for Hillary” super PAC. Crawford has put his support behind Republican candidates and anyone who was willing to support Monsanto’s goals.

We support Democratic Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders for President:

Bernie Sanders Agenda for America does not include favor for Wall Street bankers, or favor for global corporate entities. His plan is aligned with the desires of the people. Rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, reversing climate change, restoring trade union membership, raising the minimum wage, equal pay for women workers, trade policies that benefit American workers, making college a reality for all, taking control of Wall Street, health care for all, protecting the most vulnerable Americans, and real tax reform.

Therefore, we would like the Democratic Party of New Mexico to endorse and support Bernie Sanders for President 2016.

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