New College basketball video game

The crave for a new college basketball is out there, so why isn't there one? There are so many ideas for one, but why won't anyone take the risk? There is 1 thing that I do know, there is no risk anymore. Many people have came up with great ideas, but they aren't the best. Now we have a great idea and it could turn the world upside down. And before you stop reading this, we aren't telling you to make a real NCAA Basketball game. We are telling you to make a game that is TOTALLY generic, but the twist is that the game is fully customizable. You can customize any team to player. The idea of the game is based like this...
Generic College Basketball Game
-Anywhere from 100 to 300 Teams. Fully Customizable Players, Logos, Divisions(Conferences)
- Recruiting broke into 7 Regions: Northeast, Southeast, North Midwest, South Midwest, Northwest, Southwest and International.
- 20 to 30 Game Regular Season, with Division(Conference) Tournaments and then a Championship Tournament for Teams that Qualify at the end
- Player Awards
- Team Rankings Updated Weekly
- ALL Players stay 4 years at their School of Choice. May Transfer if Unhappy with playing time.
- Fully Customizable Player, Team and Coaching Creation Tools
- On-Line Compatible with On-Line League and Roster, Player and Coach Sharing.
- Exhibition and Dynasty Modes would be MAIN Modes, but could expand depending on demand for other Modes.
Why not make this game? I don't know the answer. After doing research, I have seen in the past 4 years that the crave for a new college basketball game has jumped 16%. A lot more money would be made and the best part is... you don't need to get worried about being sued. Now you might be thinking "What if nobody wants a generic game?" As I stated before it will be fully customizable. Think of Out of the Park Baseball. That game has been a HUGE hit and it is only a computer text based simulation game. If you did this idea you would have it on a CONSOLE (which is better than a computer) and you can actual play the game (which is better then simulating all the games).
If this game were to be created, it would take the world by storm. Thousands of people would be waiting for opening day release. This game will top all other basketball video games. Why wouldn't you take the risk? Oh yeah. I forgot, there is no risk.