New Additional Vaughan City Ward for North Maple & Kleinburg
Antony Niro

New Additional Vaughan City Ward for North Maple & Kleinburg

Antony Niro
57 people have signed. Add your voice!
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TO: Vaughan City Council

FROM:Residents of Vaughan

REASON: Upcoming Ward Boundary Redistribution 2012-2013

We hereby request that the Vaughan City Council authorize an additional ward (increasing the number from 5 to 6) to be added during the upcoming Ward Boundary Review. This new ward will help to more effectively represent both the growing urban areas of Vaughan and the remaining rural areas, by creating at least one rural-based Ward.

We also request that an outside consultant be hired to prepare the Terms of Reference for the Review, as well as the process to be followed in the Public Consultation Process.


Antony Niro P.Eng. Time For Change Vaughan


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