Nestle Boycott

After years and years of protest and boycott, Nestle, the world's largest international food company continues to show little to no responsibility in countries where many people are poor. Wondering what's going on Here's the problem: Nestle ignores corporate law and regulations set up by organizations such as UNICEF by advertising false claims about breast milk and aggressively marketing infant formula. For example, they make claims in countries like the Philippines saying that infant formula makes children smarter and more capable of success. In countries like this, people will easily believe claims like this because they are not as well educated as Americans. The truth is, you need water to activate infant formula, and water is not always clean in these places. It carries many diseases with diarrhea. Babies being fed infant formula can not be given immunities to these diseases because they would usually get these immunities from breast milk. Here is a quote from UNICEF... "Marketing practices that undermine breastfeeding are potentially hazardous wherever they are pursued: in the developing world, WHO estimates that some 1.5 million children die each year because they are not adequately breastfed. These facts are not in dispute." What is the resolution to all this Boycott Nestle. You will find it hard, as they own much more than you would expect. But at least try. Is a chocolate bar worth a life I hope not. Please sign this petition. For more briefing on the subject or a better explanation of the boycott, visit http://www.babymilkaction.org Signatures given may be submitted to a petition on this site in addition to this one. Once we reach a high enough number of signatures, we will send this pettition to Nestle. Thank you for your time.