Nestle Chocolate: Does it Really Taste Sweet?

Nestle is the largest food and beverage company in the world. Nestle is well renowned for their delicious chocolate, however, the story of how their chocolate is produced is unfortunately not so sweet. Nestle have admitted that child labour exists in their supply chain, and many children have received injuries from using machetes to cut open cocoa pods on Nestle farms. Additionally, many people on Nestle farms work long hours with very little pay.
These activities are in breach of Article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which prohibits excessive work without time for leisure. Also, Article 25 declares that all families should have the right to a decent standard of health and well-being, however children who work long hours on these farms unfortunately are not given this right. Moreover, Article 26 states that everyone should have the right to education, which many children on cocoa farms don’t have.
Sign this petition and promote the boycott of Nestle's chocolate products!