Ex-Neighbours fans who now want the show cancelled

We disgruntled Neighbours fans have had enough. The changes of 2006 were hard enough to bear but now in July of 2007, Channel 10 have made a mockery of our show again! The acting is worse than ever. The new characters have made Pepper, Rosie and their motley gang seem like seasoned pros. The new camera work, "young" and "fresh" image and cringe-worthy "comedic" repartee is killing what scrap of dignity Asutralia's own TV show once had. Add your signature to the list, and when we have amassed a large enough collection of 'haters', I will email it to Channel 10. I will read comments made by haters and write an essay to accompany the email. I leave you with one final thought: what would Madge, Jim and Helen say if they were still around to see the atrocity that Channel 10 has made of our family show