Protect Eugene Neighborhoods\' Livability
Paul Conte 0

Protect Eugene Neighborhoods\' Livability

250 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Paul Conte 0 Comments
250 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We urge the Eugene Planning Commission to recommend City Council approval of the following proposed code amendments that will help protect the character and livability of Eugene\'s residential neighborhoods: 3. Residential Density Calculations 4. Building Height Measurement in Residential Zones 5. Building Height Transitions within South University Neighborhood Association 6. Multi-Family Development Open Space Credit for Nearby Parks 7. Required Parking for Multi-Family Developments in West University and South University Neighborhood Associations 8. Storm water Destination: Prioritize On-Site Infiltration and Restrict Fill and Disturbance of Drainage Ways 9. Flag Lots Definition and Development Standards 10. Lot Width/Lot Frontage Standards in Residential Zones 11. Add Definition of Alley Access Only Lot/Parcel and Clarify Prohibition 12. Exclude Area within Private Streets from Residential Lot Areas 14. Provide for Early Neighbor and Neighborhood Input into Development Process 17. Add Definition of Residential Character These proposed amendments (excepting items 5 and 17, which were added by City Council) have been unanimously endorsed by the Neighborhood Leaders Council (NLC) and the Infill Compatibility Standards Task Team. We also urge the Planning Commission to incorporate revisions to items 5 and 7 that may be recommended by the affected neighborhoods (West University Neighbors and South University Neighborhood Association).


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