Need For Speed! Fibre Optic Broadband, An Essential Part Of Walsall's Future, In Business & Beyond
Need for Speed
Fibre optic broadband - An essential part of Walsall’s future in business & beyond
Let’s make it happen..
At TNEH (Talent Navigator Enterprise Hub) we recognise that having fibre optic cables laid down, to enable high speed broadband is an absolute necessity for all modern businesses, professionals and residents alike.
The higher speeds enabled by this level of broadband allow businesses to function: uploading, downloading, file sharing with consistent ease, as opposed to the lower speeds and bandwidth allowances currently in place, from what are essentially phone lines, never designed to deal with the modern requirements of even a small business.
Many areas of Walsall's town centre have limited access to high speed broadband. Particularly the Jessup £64m residential schemes, the Talent Navigator Enterprise Hub (location for a growing number of creative, digital and healthcare businesses), the surrounding Town Wharf and Premier Business Parks and the wider Walsall Waterfront redevelopment sites.
With current innovative plans to increase the number of businesses operating from Walsall, which will greatly contribute to the local economy, creating jobs, wealth and long term prosperity of our town, we need to raise awareness of this key issue.
As local residents, employees and business owner’s it’s up to us to let broadband companies know how important this issue is for our town as we strive for success in our ventures and demonstrate what we can achieve.
We’re appealing for as many people as possible to join us in asking some of the big broadband companies to help us to bring our town centre up to the speed we need, to function well as a base for businesses, to facilitate prosperity, now and in the future.
To help us facilitate a vibrant lifestyle and economy fully fit for the 21st Century.