Catch Share Moratorium Petition

Recent developments in NOAA/NMFS fishery management regulations nationwide have sparked significant controversy and debate. This petition is designed to demonstrate the position of vessel permit holders, captains, crew members, shoreside businesses, and industry personnel on these issues. Despite the concerns of Congress regarding job loss, infrastructure loss, and the collapse of coastal communities, as well as significant industry concerns of highly documented problems within catch share plans and their implementation and the science employed by NOAA/NMFS to determine allocations under the plans, these have been left unaddressed. These concerns have been voiced by fishermen, scientists, and industry representatives alike, yet ignored by NOAA/NMFS. This petition is directed towards ascertaining the perspective of affected vessel permit holders, captains, crew members, shoreside businesses and related industry personnel on these issues, and therefore being able to present the position of the majority of industry voices to Congress. Directions: On the petition below, please state your name, vessel/business or position within/connected to the fishing industry, and address, . In the "Comments" box, please answer the following questions: (1) Do you support catch shares? (2) Do you think that catch shares/sectors/ITQs/LAPPs should be considered as a fishery management plan for your region? (3) Do you express confidence or no confidence in NOAA/NMFS? (4) Do you support a moratorium on catch share plan implementation until these issues can be addressed?