Kick out Sodexo!
This is a petition to demonstrate student support for the non-renewal of New College's contract with Sodexo the summer of 2012. Therefore, we call on New College to immediately: 1. Kick out Sodexo. The college must give Sodexo notice that we are terminating our contract with the company. 2. Contractually require the new contractor to respect basic worker rights. Insert the attached “Labor Standards for Food Service Contracts” into the Request For Proposals, making clear that the college will include the same language in its contract with the new food service contractor. These standards include rehiring all current campus workers employed by Sodexo, paying living wages, offering affordable health insurance and respecting the freedom to form unions. 3. Conduct an audit. Enforce the contract by performing a full audit of Sodexo’s financial records from [the beginning of the current contract to present] to determine whether Sodexo has met its contractual requirement to fully return all rebates received from vendors for goods purchased for New College’s dining service account, and publicly release preliminary findings.