NC High Schools Need To Test Before Holiday Break
First and foremost, this petition is an encouragement for our entire state, along with its legislators, to rethink the laws that govern public school calendars in North Carolina. From my perspective as a high school principal, it's quite clear that school districts need to be given the flexibility to begin the school year early enough so that the semester, and all the testing that goes with it, is done before the holiday break.
Currently, students are sent home for the holiday break for approximately 10 - 14 days (depending on the year) before having to come back for a week of review followed by another week of testing. Everyone I've ever talked to about this subject (teachers, parents, principals, superintendents, custodians, teacher assistants, students, etc.) has been in agreement that testing should conclude before the holiday break.
Please understand that this is about students and their success. By moving the semester break, we would provide more consistent instruction for our students at the end of the semester and allow them to better demonstrate their understanding.
If you believe this should happen, please sign this document, consider sharing it on your social media page, and respectfully contact your government representatives to advocate for change.
Angelo DelliSanti
North Carolina High School Principal