Is NC American Legion Baseball heading in the right direction??
Chad Loflin 0

Is NC American Legion Baseball heading in the right direction??

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Chad Loflin 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The goal of this petition is to make Legion Officials more aware of the challenges that face Legion Posts, Athletice Directors, Coaches, Players, Supporters, Fans and anyone else involved with American Legion Baseball in North Carolina. I challenge you to provide well thought out suggestions and concerns. This is not designed to promote personal attacks, but to bring about the momentum for positive change. Please strive to provide detailed changes that could be implemented to advance Legion baseball. Thanks for your help. All entries will be forwarded up the chain of command in hopes of making a difference in the lives of our youth.


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