Nazi: Zombies for the PS Vita

For a number of us COD players Nazi:Zombies is mainly the reason we even attempt connecting to COD servers; for many more it is the perfect waiting game, an 'in-between matches game' that effectively melts all your stress away. No longer are we numbers in a kill:death ratio, stuffing the enormous ego of a child coming of age. Enduring defeat after humiliating defeat only to be berated time and time again by some kid who may or may not be in fourth grade. Lucky for you Zombies will always have your back... A torrenting river of bullets mercilessly decapitates a never ending wave of undead, every trigger pull unbottling a pent up noxious mixture of rage and embarrassment. Your fingers become the god of death, dealing judgment in the form of clips. Nazi: Zombies will forever remain a cult classic in the eyes of gamers. So I plead to you! Developers of Black Ops on the PS Vita. Read these signatures and heed my message, we the gamers love Zombies. We want Zombies in Black Ops on the Vita.