"To honor all adrenal patients, National Adrenal Disease Foundation (NADF) needs to get 22,000 signatures for the Obama administration. The adrenal glands which are responsible for releasing two different classes of hormones controlling many important functions in the body are imperative to person’s life. Yet, often their significance is underappreciated by the medical community when diagnosing patients. There are several adrenal diseases. Some are rare, like primary Addison’s disease caused by autoimmunity and affecting approximately 7 people per 100,000. Others, like Nonclassic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) which occurs in about 1 of every 1000 people is a common genetic disorder. Addison’s disease, both primary and secondary, and CAH, Classic and Nonclassic are types of adrenal insufficiency and require daily replacement therapy. During medical emergencies or during a crisis, patients have to be treated immediately with high doses of hydrocortisone given intravenously. In any event, an imbalance of hormones will cause chronic conditions and may produce significant and serious change in the appearance and health of affected individuals and always requires medical attention. Please join us in spreading awareness about adrenal diseases. In April. The goal is to increase awareness and understanding of adrenal diseases.