NADKC Bylaw Change
Scott Sorenson 0

NADKC Bylaw Change

115 signers. Add your name now!
Scott Sorenson 0 Comments
115 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Membership,

In reviewing both the Old and New Bylaws, the NADKC is VIOLATING its own bylaw with the NEW ELECTON PROCESS. The new election process states (Sec. 2, par. C, item 1) ELECTION: Prior to December 31 of every year, election for Officers and Regional Directors shall be held by mail or electronic ballot. Commencing in 2016 Officers and Regional Directors will stand for election in the following order:

1st year Breed Warden, Secretary & 1/3 Regional Director

2nd year Vice President, Treasurer & 1/3 Regional Directors

3rd year President & 1/3 Regional Directors

The Bylaws, both old and new versions, states in (Sec. 2, par. B) TERMS of OFFICE: All Officers and Regional Directors shall be for a THREE (3) year period and shall run from January 1 of the first year, through December 31 of the third year.

All of the current NADKC Officers and Regional Directors were elected to a 3 year term. With the election process starting in 2016, a large amount of the NADKC Officers and Regional Directors will be serving terms longer than 3 years, based on a single election.

With the new election process and order the current terms for all Officers and Regional Directors are as follows:

Breed Warden: 2 years

Secretary: 3 years

Treasurer: 3 years

Vice President: 4 years

President: 4 years

1/3 of Regional Directors: 3 years

1/3 of Regional Directors: 4 years

1/3 of Regional Directors: 5 years

The new election process is in direct violation of the NADKC Bylaws and is Unconstitutional, the membership did not authorize the shortening or extension of the Terms of Office for Officers and Regional Directors.

SOLUTION: We, the membership, propose that the previous election procedure be reinstated. Starting in 2016 the following positions will stand for election: Secretary, Vice President and Regional Directors. In 2017 the following positions will stand for election: President, Breed Warden and Treasurer. Ensuring that all of the elected officials serve a 3 year term as stated in the NADKC Bylaws.

Proposed amendments to the Bylaws are authorized by a signed petition of at least 25% of eligible NADKC voting membership. Please sign the following online petition, to ensure this is brought to the NADKC Board and the voice of the NADKC membership is heard.

Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Sorenson

NADKC Life Member

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