To nokia, Fix the n95 8gb rm4 WIFI bug.

This is a petition to NOKIA, to fix the problem in the firmware of the phone n95 8gb RM45 that all the owners have in their phones, and that can be easily reproduced in almost any n95 8gb phone, and the Nokia "technicians" deny to exist. Months ago i described my problem via, the "contact us" in the latinoamerica Nokia webpage, just to find myself with this general answer: Dear Francisco Rojas Thanks to get in touch with NOKIA. in accordance to your information, i suggest you to format your phone, pressing the keys *#73070#, this with the purpose of solve your n95-8gb problem. This procedure erase all the files in the system that can be producing the error. Remember to make a backup with pc suite... [here she refers me to the software] and then she remember me to maintain my firmware always updated. even when i specifically say that the problem start when i updated the firmware to 31.2.008. This people doesn't seem to be competent in any way. And NOKIA that doesn't look any professional If you have experimented the frustration of try to use a "flagship" phone, connected to wifi, and get in need to reset almost every 5 minutes then sign these petition.