My Attire Is Not A Distraction
We are not objects. We are not sexual beings. We should not be looked at as such. We should not be forced to hide our bodies, because of the “distraction” of learning that we cause. Why is my shoulder a distraction? Why is my body a distraction? If the temperature is uncomfortable, we should be able to dress accordingly. We should not have to come to school in fear of being dress coded and suffer discomfort. Leggings are not risque. A tank top (NOT NOODLE STRAP) are comfortable in 90 degree heat, with no air conditioning. Sports Shorts (running shorts) should NOT “push the limit”. When its hot, we should dress accordingly, when it’s cold, we should dress accordingly. If it’s “That time” We should be comfortable. And if “professionalism” is REALLY the problem, why are pajamas allowed? We are not a distraction and we deserve the right to get and education and be comfortable.