Miami Valley Regional Planning Council

Miami Valley Regional Council PURPOSE: Establish and implement a regional elected body with responsibility and authority to address issues of regional scope. PARAMETERS: 7 member body elected by districts, serving 4 year overlapping terms Geographic area to include U.S. Census defined urbanized area for the Dayton SMSA. If the urbanized area includes only a portion of a county the County Commission may petition to include the entire area of the respective county. Responsible for the development and implementation of regional land use plans and policy. Responsible for the development and implementation of regional infrastructure plans and policy, including transportation, water supply and wastewater treatment. Responsible for other agreed too activities that are regional in scope. ORGANIZATION: Convert Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) into the regional government entity. Governed by the elected regional commission members. Enact authorizing legislation specific to the Dayton region with the support of the Ohio Governor and Legislature.