Muslims Condemn Terrorism

We, the undersigned, condemn all acts of terrorism against all people of any religion, nationality, or ethnic group. We condemn these actions based on the teachings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and all the prophets of God) and the subsequent heritage of his noble companions and sound Islamic scholars who always summarily rejected and condemned acts of murder, terrorism, banditry against innocent civilians, and who made the blood of all of mankind sacrosanct. We condemn the ideologies and justifications that are used to explain such crimes, as they have no basis in Islam or any other religion. We emphatically reject the use of political events including Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, and others to justify these criminal acts. Those who do so confuse and corrupt the clear legal principles in Islamic law. We ask that those who are considered to be scholars among the Muslims to support this statement and to step forward and call for a concrete plan of action to stop these evil crimes and false ideologies. We ask that the criminals responsible for the recent Mumbai attacks and all other attacks against innocent civilians in the name of Islam and other ideologies be brought to justice and punished severely and swiftly. We, the undersigned, ask Allah for peace and security of all peoples, and to clear Islam and its followers of the crimes committed in its name by extremist groups around the world.