Turn Islamic holidays into national holidays!

The islamic holidays Eid-al-adha and Eid-ul-Fitr deserve to be a national holiday that all people will recognize because it is a religion and it should have equally chance for it to be a holiday that schools close just like they do for Yom Kippur and Christmas and all those other religious holidays. I mean, I don't go to school on those holidays because school's close even though I don't celebrate those holidays. Well other people do because they are of that religion just as I am of the Islam religion. So shouldn't the Islamic holidays be national because other people are a Muslim as well and should not have to worry about school and being absent to having to get a excused pass and having to catch up in school or at work. They should be able to stay home to enjoy their holidays with their family and have fun just as the other religions get to stay home and enjoy theirs. Even though not everyone is Muslim, hey if we have to stay home because of their holiday, then they should stay home because of ours because our religion has just as many rights as their religion. So if you agree with me and think that the Islamic holidays should be national holidays, and that our religious holidays has just the same rights as the other religious holidays, then help try to change that by signing the petition because another 1 of our rights in the Constitution state that we have the freedom of speech and the freedom to make a petition as long as it doesn't break any laws.