Music Modernization Act NY
Dear Senator Schumer,
I am a constituent of yours living in New York and I enjoy greatly the musical offerings of my Music Choice channels.
I understand that the Senate Judiciary Committee is considering legislation called the Music Modernization Act and that while it does a lot to make sure that songwriters receive increased royalty payments for their beautiful songs, a small part of the bill would change how Music Choice and other cable music companies pay large record companies for playing songs and that part of the bill would threaten the continued existence of Music Choice.
I don't understand why Congress would create a new law that would injure Music Choice while it is trying to solve a completely unrelated problem involving songwriters. Please make sure that if the Committee considers the Music Modernization Act, it takes out the part that would put Music Choice at risk. It's far too important to me and millions of other listeners around the country to take it away without good reason.
Thank you