MUSD Parents for Freedom of Choice - KEEP MASKS OPTIONAL
MUSD Parents implore the School Board to KEEP MASKS OPTIONAL. No one knows better than parents how this pandemic has affected our children. And no one knows better than parents how many hard decisions are required to keep everyone safe and moving forward. This is why the party that should be in charge of deciding if masks are required should be THE FAMILY and not the SCHOOL DISTRICT. Please preserve everyone's right to choose how best to protect their family!
Forcing masks on students and teachers has measured, documented side-effects. Please do not take away our freedom to protect our kids. A mask mandate, however short-term, creates a precedent in MUSD that even when infection numbers are low, and most people don't want/need masks, a small contingent in our community can force the Board to vote to take away our freedoms. Please stand strong! Be that example for our kids!
Marana is a community with compassion and common sense. Be that example to our children! Let parents have the freedom to make the decision whether or not they mask their children. KEEP MASKS OPTIONAL!