Multimedia exam DCS302 content and other third year issues
hakar Mahmoud 0

Multimedia exam DCS302 content and other third year issues

69 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
hakar Mahmoud 0 Comments
69 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

If you agree with any of the following please sign the petition so something can be done, Thank you This is the email that was sent to Tassos: Dear Dr Tassos Tombros, I am writing to complain on behalf of myself and other students of the DCS302 Module exam, Multimedia. The consensus among the students who took the exam at 2.30pm on 22nd May 2013 is that particular aspects of the topics were not covered in lectures or within the extra notes. From memory we have recollected that there is a minimum of 26 marks worth of questions that were not covered in our materials or lectures. We believe that this is unfair as this is our final year of study which will have a massive bearing on our final grades. We understand that the final year has a lot of content to study but we are not complaining about this; we are concerned that hours of study of revision of the topics that we are taught and receive from our lecturers barely come up in the exam. Within this particular exam, topics such as optical flow, predictive coding and histograms were not taught in lectures, lecture slides or extra material. Here are some other aspects that we are also unhappy with: · Previous years prior to ours in the Multimedia module have received very similar past papers and this year, even with the same lecturer, the format and questions have changed. This is unfair as previous students had an advantage. If this was the case we should abolish all past papers as they are very misleading; we would like to stress that if the material covered was brought up in an exam with a different structure from previous, we would not have a problem. However this is not the case as explained above. · Students that study C++ had an advantage in this module as they covered some of the material that were not covered in this exam, but came up. If C++ was a prerequisite to Multimedia then we should have been told. · We are also unhappy with the lack of support from Shaogang (Sean) Gong and TA’s as nobody replied on the forums and we did not even have a revision lecture. He also didn’t attend to a minimum of two lectures and does not reply to emails. This was also the case this year in Software Risk Assessment where Martin Neill and none of his TA’s were offering support on the forums, which has also been raised. This is not this first time this year we have been obliged to complain as there was circumstances with the Entrepreneurship in Technology module where students where mislead to believe that their work was on the right track but in the end we were harshly marked. Last year’s cohort had a significantly higher average in this module too, however this year it was very poorly structured. As students who invest in our education we would expect that our final year would be well structured with information and support provided. If you would like, we can provide a list of student’s names and signatures that are willing to complain. We are devoting hours of commitment to revising for our final year exams, but events like this can be very demotivating and we hope some action can be taken as we take our third year very seriously and we feel let down.

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