Clean Up Mullet Bay St. Maarten, N.A.

We constantly hear complaints about the worsening conditions of Mullet Bay and Rhine Road. Allow us to summarize for you the reactions we have heard of driving on Rhine Road which goes from Maho, through Mullet Bay and Cupecoy, and ends at the border to the French side. The first impression after seeing the well maintained area of Maho, is that of an abandoned war zone. It is a zone scattered with deserted buildings that are covered with graffiti and debris. Squatters and vandals hide in those decaying buildings, anxiously waiting for their next unsuspecting victim. The area has been labeled unsafe with the ongoing plague of thefts and robberies. It is a zone where the roads are a disaster and potholes have been left untreated. Where anyone who dares to drive through Mullet Bay and Cupecoy, takes their life in their hands to avoid accidents and arrive safely at their destination. It is an area that any reasonable person would never want to visit again, unless they had to. The time for excuses is over, 14 years was sufficient time for the area to be restored or at least maintained. We the undersigned hereby request you to urgently intervene in this serious issue and prevent the situation from worsening. We invite your kind intervention on the following items: - Increase police patrol in the area of Mullet Bay and Cupecoy to put a stop to the theft and robberies to ensure a safer environment. - Maintaining the road by repaving, properly filling the potholes, and adding drainage so water does not build up into small lakes when it rains. - Adding sidewalks along the road to facilitate safe passage for pedestrians. - Demolish the abandoned and derelict buildings so squatters and vandals have no place to hide. We hope you understand the seriousness of the issue and would kindly interact with the proper individuals and officials for a favorable solution.