Appoint Mr.Peter Simmonds as Co-Ordinator of Maidenhead Slough & District Branch Cats Protection
Julie Simmonds 0

Appoint Mr.Peter Simmonds as Co-Ordinator of Maidenhead Slough & District Branch Cats Protection

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Julie Simmonds 0 Comments
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Please sign this petition to support the appointment of Mr Peter Simmonds as Branch Coordinator of Maidenhead Slough and District Branch of Cats Protection. Mr. Peter Simmonds is the most qualified person to hold this position. The knowledge he has of cats, the local area, partner organisations, local veterinary practices and the role in general is unmatched and immense. Mr. Peter Simmonds has previously held this role, and was extremely successful. Even receiving recognition via certificate and the highest award possible to be given by Cats Protection in their Volunteer of the Year contest held yearly. Since he was made to step down / being made to feel that he had to step down by Cats Protection Headquarters as they were unhappy with the amount of cats in care by the branch, the branch has suffered and is not being run effectively, cats are not being rescued and general support for the branch is waning. At this rate the branch will eventually have to close....with the main victims being the cats and kittens of this area. Under the leadership of Mr Peter Simmonds the branch will thrive again. Please sign to support Mr Peter Simmonds be Branch Co-Coordinator of Maidenhead Slough and District Branch. Your support is needed and very much appreciated, thank you


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