Denny Umphreys 0

Mrs. Boner Needs Help

1020 signers. Add your name now!
Denny Umphreys 0 Comments
1020 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Citrus Park Elementary School friends, graduates, parents, alumni etc. , I don't know if any of you are aware, but Mrs. Suzanne Boner who has been teaching at Citrus Park for over 30 years, is about to lose her job THIS FRIDAY. Her principal has been determined to get rid of her and was bound to find a way or a loophole. He has moved her from 5th, to 4th, to 2nd grade, which she is currently teaching. THIS WAS TO BE HER LAST YEAR ! SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO RETIRE IN MAY. For those of you that don't know, they have a head count at the beginning of school, and they have a 20 day count after it has begun to see class size and if they need to add or subtract school classes. Well, the 2nd grade is going to lose a unit because the classes are currently too small. SO they will consolidate the kids into the other classes.. It is at the discretion of the principal and Hillsborough County as to who goes. A. NEW hires B. teachers volunteer to leave C. Teachers with the LOWEST EVALUATIONS. Well Suzanne Boner falls into that 3rd category. WHY YOU ASK??? Because the principal does the evaluation !!! SERIOUSLY ?? So what you are saying is that a teacher that has been with the district for over 30 years, AT THE SAME ENDLESS hours volunteering for all school functions, and GIVES $$ to the school for plants, ground cover every year and who was scheduled to retire in MAY is being "let go" and placed in a "pool" to find herself another job (which are few and far between) after she has obviously been "GOOD ENOUGH" for the past 30 ???????? I SMELL A RAT HERE...It would mean everything to Mrs. Boner if we could stand behind one of the best teachers Hillsborough County has ever seen. She loves her kids, teaches them life lessons, not only garbage from a textbook.

PLEASE SIGN! The Hillsborough County Superintendent and members of the working Press will be receiving the results.

CALL these people and complain. Principal- Christopher Fonteyn (813) 558-5356 Superintendent- Jeff Eakins (813) 272-4000 (You have to ask for him). Area Superintendent- Marcos Murillo (813) 631-4050 District 2 Board Member- Sally Harris (813) 272-4052 Secretary Email:

Lastly, PLEASE SHARE this so we can get as many signatures as possible !!

-Karen Smith Bernard

UPDATE!!! We are holding a RALLY at Citrus Park Elementary out by the CP sign. THIS Tuesday Sept. 19th at 8am. The theme for signage is "Save Mrs. Boner". If you can make it send a short email to Thank you ALL and see you there!

NEW UPDATE!!! What's wrong with America? This bully Principal Fonteyn had a meltdown, called Ms. Boner into the office and threatened her that the Sheriff has been called and they will arrest any protestors and hold her personally responsible. Her own union rep (spineless) has told her that she would be referred to the "professional standards" board of the school district. Mrs. Boner has nothing to do with this petition on social media. She did ask that we call this off out of concern for the nearly 1,000 that have given their support and testimony.

Latest NEWS! Mrs. Boner was told to pack her stuff and leave today at Citrus Park Elementary. There is only one loser here. The egotistical, insecure, bully Principal Fonteyn. A petition was initiated on the coat-tails of a hurricane and signed by 1007 supporters in only one week. From all parts of the globe. 383 written comments pouring out the love for Mrs. Boner. Many testimonials were multiple paragraphs and beautifully composed. It was wise to keep a hanky handy. Mrs. Boner is a humble, dedicated teacher. She didn't know that this was going to be huge. Mrs. Boner is a WINNER. Thank you all for showing her that.

(disclaimer: I'm the poster of the petition, Denny Umphreys, not Mrs. Boner. The campaign has been spearheaded by Karen Smith Bernard. Great effort, Karen. Principal Fonteyn has made accusatory claims to Mrs. Boner about the use of social media.)

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