Mrembo Safi Kenya 0

Say It Loud! - A #MremboSafi Petition to Improve the State of Menstrual Hygiene in Kenya

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Empowered & Organized by: MremboSafi

Women and girls are among the more vulnerable groups in many communities as seen in their lower levels of education and poorer health. Yet the menstrual health of women and girls that is hardly deliberated about is important to the future well-being of any community.

Call on Kenyan Cabinet Secretaries in the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Devolution and Planning and the Ministry of Water, Environment and Natural Resources to support all efforts to bring Menstrual Hygiene Products closer to the young girls and women of Kenya.

We petition the Government of Kenya to afford Public Primary and Secondary Schools, Community Based Organizations and Children's Homes the dignity of Menstrual Sanitary Kits and complementary sanitary features that include:

  1. A sustainable supply of Water
  2. A clean dignifying toilet
  3. Soap
  4. Toilet Paper

The objective of this petition is to mobilize political commitment and resources for sustainable menstrual hygiene solutions for Africa. Examples of target policy audiences include government officials and policymakers, donors, health- and education-sector leaders, civic and religious leaders, advocates for reproductive health and young people, and journalists.

Results of the MremboSafi Initiative and the #SayItLoud! petition aims to show that empowering women and girls with the sanitary resources and information necessary to ensure their health contributes to the economic well-being of individual households and the next generation.

There has been laggard progress over the last 50 years of Kenya's independence to improve the state of menstrual hygiene management in the country. A lot more needs to be done to accord Kenyans the dignity of sanitation and good health!

Together, we can pressurize and prompt the Government of Kenya to promote and improve the situation of menstrual hygiene by 2030. I strongly urge you to publicly declare your support for a plan to elevate the importance of sustainable menstrual hygiene management in Kenya by 2030.

MremboSafi has developed a series of dynamic multimedia #EMPOWERDIGNITY presentations to engage global leaders and country-level policymakers in issues related to menstrual hygiene, water and sanitation, and other key development issues.

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