Getting drug/Alcohol addicted people into rehab when they refuse no matter their age.
melissa ramos 0

Getting drug/Alcohol addicted people into rehab when they refuse no matter their age.

55 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
melissa ramos 0 Comments
55 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello. I am trying to set up a petition to where YOU can physically sign in and out a loved one into a rehab facility to recover and get the help they need to live a sober lifesyle. NYS laws are unbeliveable and need to change and need to change now! We can save lives of children and adults by this. So please I am doing this for my brother, maybe you don't know someone personally that this could help but maybe someone you know does so pass this one and lets make a change and save lives together. Feel free to email me at Thank you!!!


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