Mr. Limbaugh, Make Good on Your Promise
Katie Frederick 0

Mr. Limbaugh, Make Good on Your Promise

129 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Katie Frederick 0 Comments
129 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition asks Rush Limbaugh to make good on his promise of purchasing aspirin for the women of Georgetown University. If it is successful, I hope to donate the medicine to low-cost medical clinics in the DC metro area that serve the lower-income and homeless population within our community. Like many women across the nation, the recent attack on Sandra Fluke left me outraged. It is distasteful to call a woman a “slut” or a “prostitute” for wanting better access to common medications, especially if the need is rooted in a legitimate medical concern. Furthermore, it goes beyond inappropriate to demand that women who seek such policies film themselves so you and others can watch. It truly sickens me to know that many in our society deem such perverse behavior to be acceptable. I hope that this petition serves as a mechanism of change, no matter how small it may seem. I want it to remind people that we can disagree on issues in a civil and respectful way that does not demoralize the individual, but that furthers discussion. I also want it to raise awareness and aid for those in our community without a voice or the ability to be heard. Many of us take a product like aspirin for granted when there are so many who cannot provide for their basic needs. I hope that you will join with me in this request and take a minute to sign. If you are a woman who is affiliate with the university, go a step further and offer your request for the amount of aspirin you would like. Feel free to leave your name and amount on the Facebook group page under the same name. Thank you for your support.


Facebook Group!/groups/305827079480510/

Rush Limbaugh: I'll Buy Georgetown Women 'As Much Aspirin To Put Between Their Knees As They Want'

Rush Limbaugh calls Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a ‘slut’ for advocating contraception

How Not To Apologize

Rush Limbaugh’s statement on Sandra Fluke was a textbook example of what not to say.

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