We need Mpowered in the Ottawa area!
A new company to start in the Ottawa area to help women realize their career aspirations and entrepreneurial dreams while raising kids! Mpowered Life Inc. is a career and business couselling service serving moms with young families who are facing challenges in effectively balancing work and family life. We specialize in empowering moms to pursue their dreams and passions while providing creative solutions in balancing work and family life. Mpowered Life Inc.\'s mission is to empower moms with young families to take control of their destiny and function productively by providing them with the necessary tools and skills to realize their dreams, through career counseling, business coaching, life skills teaching/training, motivation, impartation and various networking activities to become successful. If you believe that such a company is needed in the Ottawa area, please sign this petition! I certify that if Kareen Aristide is accepted into the Ontario Self-Employment Benifit program and starts her business, I would be willing to use all or some of the services provided by Mpowered Life Inc.