Bring "Mother 3" to the U.S.A.!

Over the years, Nintendo has released some of the greatest RPGs known the world over. One such game is the Super Nintendo game EarthBound, also known as Mother 2. For many years, we have waited for a sequel to EarthBound which came in the form of Mother 3 for the Game Boy Advance. Despite the understandability that Mother 3 was released on a system that was discontinued, we of North America, particularly we Americans, have felt cheated by Nintendo for not releasing Mother 3 internationally. The fans have done practically everything possible to cajole Nintendo of America to release Mother 3 in some form, but Nintendo of America stubbornly refuses to comply to our demands. A fan translation was even made for English speakers to enjoy. This petition is made to Nintendo of America to release Mother 3 to the American public. We believe that Nintendo of America is underestimating the potential this game and its prequels, and demand that Mother 3, nay, the whole Mother/EarthBound trilogy, be released to North America for its fans to enjoy.