Mother Earth seems hurt
Saina Wadhwa 0

Mother Earth seems hurt

137 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Saina Wadhwa 0 Comments
137 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Seeing the climate change and it’s drastic effects on the planet, it’s awful how people haven’t started working upon it yet and ignoring this serious matter. UN has released an official statement which states that now on, we just have 18 months to save the climate change or look at the earth in more distorted way 2 years for today. Let’s plan to not use cars for every distance that is to be covered.
And use more and more renewable resources to get hold of the non renewable ones. Plus, carbon pricing is something which could be done as soon as possible, less of carbon would be used to emit less number of gases which have been damaging the Earth.
Eat vegan
Buy less clothes- yes it does help! It takes nearly 713 gallons of water to have one cotton shirt produced.
I hope this reaches to people to create awareness about how severely we all are gonna get affected.

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