Morning Huddle Petition

We, the undersigned nurses, respectfully request a change to the current mandatory morning huddle schedule. We propose that the morning huddles be replaced with shift-specific huddles, allowing each shift to have a dedicated, focused time for communication, updates, and planning.
Reasoning for Change:
1. Improved Communication: A huddle at the start of each shift allows for a more focused and concise exchange of critical information. This will foster better preparedness, reduce misunderstandings, and enhance patient care.
2. Reduced Disruption: Many nurses find the current mandatory morning huddle disruptive, particularly for those working evening or night shifts. By having huddles tailored to specific shifts, each team can begin their day with a more targeted and effective start without unnecessary interruptions.
3. Enhanced Team Collaboration: Shift-specific huddles provide an opportunity for team members to engage more directly with the patients and cases they will be handling, facilitating better collaboration, and promoting teamwork that’s more tailored to the immediate needs of the unit.
We believe this change will lead to improved communication, better teamwork, and a more efficient workflow, ultimately benefiting both nursing staff and patient care.
We respectfully request that the administration consider implementing shift-specific huddles for all nursing teams, moving away from the current mandatory morning huddle format.
The Night Shift Team