Let Morgan Back In Australia - He\'s a Good Bloke
Dear Kevin Andrews, We want you to let our mate Morgan back in the country, he\'s a good bloke & we miss his musk. Of course, he is English, and we normally hate those pricks (especially after the last world cup) but if you can look past those geezer teeth and that fake posh accent he puts on, deep down he is really a great guy. I mean, lets face it you let thousands of other douchebags into the country every year, whats one more going to hurt. We understand your concerns that if Morgan returned and were to meet up with the rest of the Melbourne Rugby Club that the universe might collapse under the weight of having too much awesomeness in the one place, but this has never been scientifically proven. Despite what you may have heard, Morgan is an upstanding member of the community and would only improve the country of Australia by being here. We feel he meets Australia\'s strict immigration policy in the following ways: * He already speaks english (with a sh*t accent) * Unlike his countrymen, he washes regularly * He is not muslim * He can headbutt bread-boards really well * He dislikes Foster\'s * Contrary to published photos and eyewitness accounts, he is in no way sexually interested in farm animals. So in summation, do something positive for Australia and let Morgan back in the country so he can keep chasing those girls that the rest of us aren\'t interested in. Yours, The Free Morgan Danaher Foundation