More Than Zero
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More Than Zerois an effort to obtain facilities funding support from the Hawaii State Legislature and Governor Abercrombie for public charter schools.The “Charter Schools Funding Task Force Report” to the 2011 Hawaii State Legislature and "On The Level? Policy, Law and the Charter School Movement,” a report by the Legislative Reference Bureau in 2002, clearly stated that charter schools should receive facilities funding.
Why support funding for charter schools facilities?
• It is the obligation of the State of Hawaii to provide for facilities for public schools.
The Hawaii State Constitution, Article X states, "The State shall provide for the establishment, support and control of a statewide system of public schools free from sectarian control, a state university, public libraries and such other educational institutions as may be deemed desirable, including physical facilities therefor.”
• Charter schools are public schools and do not charge tuition.
• Most charter schools get $0 for facilities support.
• Most charter schools get $0 for facilities support.
• Unlike schools that are provided facilities by the state, charter schools must use their per pupil funding to also pay for facilities. This often means less money to support their academic program.
• Charter school enrollment increased to nearly 10,000 students.
• Beginning 2013-14 there will be 33 charter schools in Hawaii.
• "Research shows the quality of school facilities can play an important role in determining student achievement," as stated in"Schools Getting Makeover to Support Race to the Top Initiative."Transforming Hawaii's Public Schools. Hawaii State Department of Education, Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <http://hawaiidoereform.org/2011-10/ZSI_1011>.
By signing this petition you are joining parents, students, communities and school staff in their efforts to support quality public educational options in Hawaii.
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Hawaii Public Charter Schools Network