Suzanne Birkett 0

More small group teaching

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Suzanne Birkett 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Durham University Geography

'We would like to request more small group teaching as we feel that it enables far greater engagement with the topics and critical analysis that is just not possible from reading and lectures by themselves. We are missing out on opportunities to really explore topics in depth and bounce ideas off other people, whilst analysing and refining our own ideas in response to critiques and ideas from others. It is reducing the potential for a much higher level of engagement and interpretation of the kind that can only be achieved through thorough discussion and debate - guided by a knowledgable academic who can support and facilitate critique and analysis that would not be possible by ourselves. We feel strongly about this issue, and thank you for considering it'.

(If possible, please leave your name as it looks a bit more legitimate than 'anonymous'. There are no repercussions or implications from signing and you will not be chased up afterwards. You are free to withdraw your signature once it has been put down)

Many thanks


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