More Classes for MLS Students at Maryland
Gwendolyn Dygert 0

More Classes for MLS Students at Maryland

20 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Gwendolyn Dygert 0 Comments
20 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

When looking at the classes currently being offered for MLS students in the ischool, it is woefully apparent that there are not enough. This is evidenced by all the grayed out class listings. Many of these classes have double digit waitlists. By signing this petition you are telling the administration that we need more classes, mainly electives.


My name is Gwendolyn Dygert and I am in the MLS program at Maryland. I am also on three waitlists for classes this summer and next fall. I am trying to change that with this petition.
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