More Trains For March!
Petition For An Improved Train Service To & From March Station. At present the population of March - approximately 21,000 people - (and the surrounding villages and towns who use March station), have no access via public transport to evening entertainment and activities in Cambridge. These include:- theatre, cinema, pubs, evening talks, courses, music gigs, concerts, clubs and restaurants. Driving is expensive and time consuming and buses, even if they do extend them to March in the future will also be extremely time consuming - taking well over an hour and may require changing and waiting. According to Fenland District Council in the last 10 years Fenland experienced a higher percentage population growth than the East of England region and England overall, so at this rate of growth the demand for better public transport will only get greater. And Fenlands core strategy for the next 20 years has a huge amount of population growth and house building planned. We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to :- PROVIDE LATER TRAINS FROM CAMBRIDGE,AN EARLIER SERVICE LEAVING MARCH ON SUNDAYS AND TRAINS THAT LINK TO FLIGHTS AT STANSTED AIRPORT (currently, they are not early or late enough).