More time for RSHS students

So due to COVID-19 my school (Red Springs High) has became a one way hallway type of thing. You would think that because of this change they would give you more time to get to class but no. You have 5 minutes to walk all the way around the one way hallway school and then also if you have to use the restroom, to go during that time. Many would say “oh why don’t you just go to class and wait for the bell to ring to go?”. No that isn’t an option. You’re not allowed out of class until 15 minutes after the bell rings. This isn’t even the worst part. After 8 tardies, you get suspended from school. Tell me what sense does that make? You’re late to class and then have to miss learning time because of it. One minute late and you lose a whole day worth of learning. In results to this I would like to start a petition for all my RSHS STUDENT AND PARENTS to sign and get more time to get to class because this needs to change. After I get a bunch of signatures and the school decides they don’t want to step up and do anything, I’ll take it to the board of education.