More Time Between Classes in QA

In Qatar Academy, I feel like having 5 minutes between classes is not enough. Therefore, for my IT project, I decided to try and make a change of the time we get to go from one class to another. After studying in QA for 4 years, I can say that many students are getting late class. Qatar Academy is a very big school that we have to walk around a lot in odder to get from one class to another. But many times students come late to certain classes, for example when the next class is all the way on the other side of school, people get late to their class even though it is not their fault because in order for them to get to class on time, they have to run but students in QA can't run for the following reasons. Firstly, it is the school rule that students can't run in school. Secondly, there are many people in the hallway so everyone is bumping into one another. Thirdly, we are carrying a heavy bag with a laptop. When students come late to a class, even if its just 2 minutes, they miss the beginning information, where the teacher explains what we are going to be doing for the class. Therefore, they get lost since the don’t know what they are going to be doing. This affects a wider audience because many times when students come late to class and the teacher has already started the class, the teacher has to stop the class, go talk to the students and give the board to sign in because they were late. This normally takes off 5 minutes off the class, where we could have been learning and studying more instead. If every class it’s like this, the teacher won't get a chance to teach what he needs to teach in the time provided because there is always going to be someone coming to class late. Not only, it will waste time but also if students come late to class, it doesn’t set a good atmosphere because the teachers are going to be disappointed. However, if everyone is on time to class, it will create a more entertaining atmosphere for our learning because the teacher wont get disappointed at students for coming late. Therefore, the teacher will be able to teach better and the students will be more entertained to learn since there would be a good learning atmosphere.