More rights for the disabled non-verbal indivuduals when a crime/abuse/molestation has been occurred or been confessed to
This petition I'm hoping will be sent to the State Legislator of KS. On behalf of what has happened to my son and his molester having all charges dropped, this has been my stepping stone to get something ammended or a bill passed to give these non-verbal individuals with disabilities their day in front of a judge. To me the fact that an attorney can drop charges before an appointed attorney is given to the guilty party and the case goes before a judge is all but discriminatory. Please help those who can't fight for themselves have more rights, something ammended or a bill passed making abuse/molestation charges/cases go in front of a judge. The big concern attorney's are saying is that the appointed attorney for the guilty party will say that the individual cannot collaberate the case/or charges that have happened. But the last time I checked if a full addmission of abuse of any kind happens to an individual with lack of communication skills the guilty paryt should still have some sort of consequences and the individual his or her day in court for a judge to decide.