More parking for Estuary House

Hi there, This is a quick appeal for everyone, especially drivers at Estuary House. Having been one of the first to have moved into the development, and during that time our allocated parking spaces have steadily decreased, to where now only have a handful of spaces which as I'm sure you know fill up incredibly quickly. Many of us have young kids, and having to drive around looking for an alternative space, and having to drag children/shopping etc back to the development, in my opinion is not on. This is further aggravated by the fact that all of the other buildings have underground parking, some of which I understand have plenty of spare spaces, therefore I do not see any reason why we cannot be allocated a substantial number spaces in the outside car park, rather than the minimal handful we currently have. I would really like for us to appeal for the parking spaces in Estuary house to be increased significantly, but I think in order for us to do that, we will need to put forward a petition of support from as many people in the development as possible!