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More Meal Swipe Donations

65 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
65 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Sign your name and take a stand for more meal swipe donations. Those prepaid, unused meal swipes that accumulate in your account at the end of the semester? Right now those leftover meals are taken back by the University and they get to pocket that extra money. Logistically, UST has to plan around the possible idea that students will be using all of their meal swipes; so the extra swipes at the end of the semester act as an extra bonus for the University. However my question is... why can't they be donated? UST currently allows students to donate around one to four meal swipes but these donation periods are short, not publicized, and restricted. Why can't we donate more?

Students should stand in hopes of making a larger difference and reaching out to as many people as possible. Other schools in the Nation have already taken positive steps towards this action. UCLA stands as a prominent example. They offer a program that helps to convert unused swipes into food shelf donations, meals for the homeless, monetary donations equivalent to a swipe, and free meals for students on campus who may need some extra help buying food that week.

UST needs to create a system that helps to enhance their belief, "All for the common good." These unused meal swipes and extra money could be channeled into non profit organizations or those in need in our community; rather than having it all go back to the University as a financial bonus. Please take a stand and sign your name. This petition is in hopes of getting The University of St. Thomas to notice this opportunity for change! With more meal swipe donations allowed, a real difference could be made.

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