Monk 5.2 Discussion | Ghostcrawler, what did you do to Monks?!
Falter TV 0

Monk 5.2 Discussion | Ghostcrawler, what did you do to Monks?!

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The new class, Monk - which was announced together with the World of Warcraft expansion: Mists of Pandaria, a lot of people were looking forward to a refreshing change. A class that ended up being a dissapointment, mostly. When the new patch, 5.2 was announced - we were promised change, our class would be brought up to par in both PvE and PvP, however - we are worse off than we were in 5.1. The community feels extremely neglected and our questions are not being answered concretely, we have been given vague answers and Blizzard Entertainment has only left room for questions and hasn't provided us with answers. We feel that the best way for us to get these answers is by sitting down with one of the lead developers of World of Warcraft, so that there is no room for question dodging and so that there is no room for us, as a community, to feel like the class we represent is being completely neglected.

We want to have an interview, a Monk-only interview with GhostCrawler, live - so that we can have our questions answered. 


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