Antanas Mockus for President - Official Foreigners' Petition

International Support for Antanas Mockus Colombia is currently living one of the most exciting moments of its history with the coming presidential election on May 30, 2010. After 8 years of Uribe's leadership and his "seguridad democratica", Colombia wants to go to the next step. Antanas Mockus, one of the outsider candidates is currently leading an amazing campaign, by bringing hope to Colombia. The media are comparing the Mockus campaign to Obama's historic 2008 presidential race to victory ! "La ola verde" or as it has been dubbed in English, "the green tsunamy", is growing everyday in the entire country and is lead today by the young generation. The people are convinced that Mockus is the right choice to make on May 30th. This election is not only important for Colombians but also for all the people that love Colombia and respect and demand honesty and transparency from their elected officials. We foreigners can also have an impact on this incredible story, if only, by sharing it with others. Brazil has achieved today, what Colombia strives to achieve tomorrow. Colombia will be one of the most important actors on the international stage. We all want that this country to succeed and become a leading place of investment, travel, tourism, trade...We are confident that Antanas Mockus will help Colombia and colombians reach their fullest potentialL. This election is not another revolution, but an evolution, colombia is now safer from the threat of the guerillas. Mockus wants to give more to the country by proposing a political program which encourages Education, Culture, Health Insurance and will tackle corruption and work to truly ensure equal opportunity for all. But the most important thing for him is to change the way that people think about their country and release them from the fear of insecurity and into loving their country. People who visit Colombia discover a country that locks a secret. This secret is about to be released and Antanas Mockus has the key to lead the country. The only risk for us is to want to stay.