Mike Murphy for Texas HD-65
Jared Lee 0

Mike Murphy for Texas HD-65

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jared Lee 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Friends and Citizens of Denton County, We acknowledge the need for a true Conservative voice to represent us in Austin. We believe there is no need for career politicians who make their decisions based upon votes and upcoming elections. We do not desire representatives who occupy their seat and do not fight for their citizen's interests. We believe that it is healthy that incumbent legislators be challenged each cycle to justify their continued tenure to the people they represent. We are familiar with the record of State Representative Burt Solomons, and although we appreciate Rep. Solomons' fourteen years of service in the Texas House, we believe that Rep. Solomons many votes in support for taxes and spending run counter to the interests of the people of our district. We are also familiar with the record of Mike Murphy, we are impressed with Mr. Murphy's hard work and conservative leadership, and we are convinced that Mr. Murphy would represent our district well in the Texas House of Representatives. Accordingly, by signing this petition, we acknowledge our support for Mike Murphy to be our voice in the upcoming primary election. He upholds the values that fiscal conservatives and small-government proponents desire in candidates. Sign this petition today, and lets get a TRUE Conservative to be our voice.


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