Request for Nomination to the MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group

Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) was signed into law in 1999 and directs the state to redesign California\'s system of marine protected areas (MPAs)to increase its coherence and its effectiveness at protecting the states\'s marine life, habitat, and ecosystems. Implementation of the MLPA Initiative\'s South Coast Project will be carried out by a set of public and private partners. These partners includes stakeholders and the general public. Stakeholders include: General Public, Ocean industries, including commercial fishing, Ocean recreation, including diving, sport fishing, whale-watching, Conservation groups, Educational and research institutions, Other government agencies, Hotels, Restaraunts, Retail stores, Business owners and Employees. This means that the listed Stakeholders above will be greatly effected economically and recreationally. Social economics does not play a factor into the decision process. As a member of the MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group I will: 1)Bring first-hand knowledge and perspective to bear on the marine resources of the MLPA South Coast Study Region. 2)Balance a south coast regional perspective with localized knowledge. 3) Will express fundamental interests and clearly convey the interests of the above listed stakeholders. 4) Will work collaboratively, seeking to integrate the interests of the full range of constituancies. 5) Access and use an effective communication network to reach stakeholders not attending the public meeting, and 6) I will be committed to completing all aspects of the charge of the regional stakeholder group. *ANONYMOUS SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED **PLEASE READ THE EMAIL BELOW I RECEIVED TODAY 7/7/08 FROM: Director OF Strategic Ocean Solutions, LLC www.healthyocean.com Hi Wendy, I wanted to point out an slight inaccuracy in your nomination form: \"Social economics does not play a factor into the decision process. \" While the MLPA does not make socio-economics a top priority, it certainly does indicate that it must be taken into consideration. In addition, the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force and Fish and Game Comission have both indicated that, while ecosystem protection is the primary focus of the MLPA, socioeconomics does and will continue to play a role in the decision-making. Also, just wanted to let you know \"anonymous\" letters of support/signatures will not be considered since there is no possible way of confirming the existence of that person.