Matt Lipnick Is Not A Threat
Most of you know what happened with Matt at the tech school a few weeks ago, and he needs as much of your support as possible. If you know him, you know that he truly never had any intention of hurting anyone or causing all the trouble that he did. The issue hes dealing with now is the fact that the Centennial School District\'s School Board is bringing him into an expulsion hearing to have him completely removed from the school district forever. They say "Matt\'s presence at William Tennent High School/Middle Bucks Institute of Technology constitutes a threat to the health, safety, morals, and welfare of others." He needs you guys to sign this petition to show them that they are the only ones that feel he is a threat to others. I feel that the students should be the people to decide if he is really a threat to their health, safety, morals, and welfare or not. Pass this to as many people from Tennent and MBIT as possible. (Keep the comments PG) (Please do not have name displayed as anonymous)