MLB Should Make A Professional Women Baseball League

Men seem to have it all, and no this is not something against men. Make us equal what if we went to college to play softball what's next after that? We do not have choice other then just having to play with friends for fun. In the MLB (Major League Baseball) you see only men playing. Wouldn't it be fair to let women play to. How man girls do you see on sports center actually playing the game? Barely any right. The only way to help women out would be making a professional league for women in baseball but the opposite being softball, just like the WNBA. Sports is about expressing yourself and why not let women express themselves by having a softball league.
Process has been done for woman to start playing baseball. In Bossier City, LA the first female by the name of Sarah Hudek daughter of former MLB pitcher John Hudek became one of the first females to play at a collegiate level. She is a pitcher who throws 82 mph and has varieties of pitches under her arsenal. The coach of this college team Coach Vorachek believes that she can bring wins to the team and the signing had nothing to do with media publicity.
We need more process than just females playing in college. We need our voices to be heard and let these females have their own league. This petition will be a start of something new something that can change the view of females and be able to them do what they are passionate about and that is the love of playing the game of baseball.
I believe if we can get enough signature together we can make a difference.
If women had a chance to play a sport on a professional level other than just college , it would be great. They will have young girls looking up to them just like any boy looks up to professional players.