Lavelle Gathings 0

What about the good pastors?

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The media is always sure to magnify all of the negotive situations concerning the church. Maybe they do this to appease their minds of all the dirt in their own personal lives. We all have dirt or have had dirt in some point in our lives. Thank God for Jesus! What about the good pastors? The ones who are great examples of God's REAL men and women. Let's face it, EVERYBODY say that they are christians while living shameful lives. Same with pastors, just because you are a pastor doesn't mean that you are GOD'S pastor! But I would like to ask the media to begin talking about the good ones. I know that you probably can't because there is a noose around your neck by the 5% wealthy that rule the world, in essence in control of the media. Isn't it amazing that the bible talks about the prince of this world, could they be the 5%? Here is for the media with backbone. Magnify Fredrick K.C. Price (no scandal in about 60 yrs!), Jerry Seville, Kenneth Copeland, Beth Moore, R.W. Shambach, Joel Olsteen, Marilyn Hickey, Bernard Jordan, John Avanzini, T.D. Jakes, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Tunde Bakare, Marvin Sapps, Dave and Joyce Meyer, just to name a few If you are out there (especially the REAL christians), let's stand up against this stupidity. God isn't a coward or lazy and we should not be either.

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